Recent copies of letters from our previous minister Brian. These are reproduced from the monthly Newsletter.

From Our Previous Minister, Brian

Letters From Brian, Our previous Minister

Recent copies of the letters from our previous Minister Brian. These are reproduced from the monthly Newsletter..
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Article index

01/01/14 From the Ministers dusty study – well it’s not been used for a while

Life can produce a few surprises as I been reminded in the last few months. -> More....

01/12/13 From the Minister's Sickbed

For many the wonderful message of God's love has been placed back stage -> More....

01/11/13 From the Church Weekend and the Minister’s diary

Taxing Times (?) - the mission and purpose of the church -> More....

01/10/13 From the Ministers address at the Church Weekend 1st session

What message do you think people hear from Christians today? -> More....

28/07/13 From the Minister’s garden

The gardener has been today, sounds terrible grand doesn’t it. -> More....

31/05/13 I'm back! (but where have I been????)

It is good to be back and I have been so moved by people's welcome after my sabbatical. -> More....

31/01/13 Lenten observation is a choice

Those who do exercise a Lenten discipline may well wonder if it’s doing them any good, particularly if they have chosen something a bit steep. -> More....

31/12/12 From the Minister's Workstation. At the start of a New Year we may well wonder what lies round the corner

Happy New Year to everyone. I pray that each of us will receive many blessings as individuals and as a Church. -> More....

30/09/12 We can be complacent in so many things!

I listened to a very sad programme a few weeks ago on the radio -> More....

31/07/12 We have just had the third Church Weekend which was a great success

The theme this year’s was ‘we can’t keep meeting like this’ -> More....

30/06/12 The London 2012 Olympic games kick off (I am showing my ignorance already)

The idea of the Olympics is something we should commend with ideas of friendship and nations coming together and the test of human endurance -> More....

31/5/12 Challenges faced by this church

My observations from the last twelve months on the work of this church. -> More....

31/03/12 From The Minister's Workstation. As Easter dawns again...

Others have never dared ask themselves what they believe about the resurrection -> More....

29/02/12 From the Minister's Soapbox. Protest comes in many forms...

A school friend of mine became involved with the Greenham Common Peace camp. -> More....

29/10/11 From the Minister's Hymnsheet: People are passionate about their worship!

Eight years of picking hymns for the services here rather takes its toil after a while ... -> More....

24/09/11 From the Minster’s Map : How good are you with directions?

Looking at the map has become quite a habit in our new Circuit -> More....

02/08/11 On Holiday!!!

01/07/11 From The Minister's Umbrella When the music stops ...

Well, when they print my obituary in the Minutes of Conference it will show that I occupied three circuits in eight years. -> More....

1/05/11 From the Ministers Exclusion Zone Desk

No I am not outside the Nation Secular Society, I am at the other end of my desk or huge work station that graces the study. -> More....

23/01/11 Why are some stories more newsworthy

Perhaps it is not news but I have been rather aware in the last couple of weeks that some story’s carry more currency than others. -> More....

31/10/10 A new life and a new start.

The rescue of the Chilean Miners has moved people around the world ... -> More....

21/09/10 Somehow these words may come back to haunt me!

Some of you will have seen the recent set of programs called the Young Ones ... -> More....

31/08/10 Why do disasters happen ?

Last week's prayers of concern ... -> More....

30/06/10 None of us are without fault!?

As I write this article oil is still pouring out of a fractured pipe line in the Gulf of Mexico. -> More....

30/05/10 What are you going to do with the rest of your life?

I think some imagined this would be a pure marketing opportunity for all the up and coming jobs in the life of the Church -> More....

26/10/09 Psalms - Do you Understand Them

I wasn’t a fan of the psalms for a long time .... -> More....

26/09/09 The 10 Commandments

My series on the Ten Commandments will finish this month ... -> More....

29/08/09: Life Is a Gift From God

I am aware of double standards providing a difficult truth at the moment. What value do we give to life? ... -> More....

22/06/09 A Question of Forgiveness?

Well I am delighted to report that people do read the Church Newsletter....... -> More....

01/06/09: The Sabbeth: A Day of Rest?

I think I should begin this month's article with some outrageous statement or other ... -> More....

27/04/2009: Are you a Grace sort of person?

"For what we are about to receive may the Lord make us truly thankful. Amen". -> More....

01/04/2009: Is Easter anything to do with us?

I am not fond of the bible on television or the big screen. -> More....

01/03/2009: Keswick in Devon Visit and Outreach

I give a warm word of welcome to those visiting us for the Keswick in Devon Convention -> More....